Changelog ========= Version 1.19.0 -------------- **Planned release on 31 December 2018.** *Don't want to wait for the final release? Try the beta version!* * `Download source `_. * `Download windows installer `_. Export: * ``Not all events are shown in export listbox when filtering is turned off.`` Include events without category when filtering is turned off. Version 1.18.0 -------------- **Released on 30 July 2018.** GUI: * ``Added new representation of fuzzy edges when selecting view: Other Gradient Event box drawer with fuzzy edges.`` (`#174 `_) Fixed crash reports and bugs: * ``Wrong editor is opened when right-click and selecting edit, on a milestone.`` Check if event is milestone before selecting editor. * ``Milestones can convert to ordinary events when a timeline is compressed.`` Milestones is no longer part of the compression algorithm.. * ``Balloons are always shown for hooverd events.`` Balloons are not shown if menu "View/Balloons on hover" is disabled. * ``AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_ends_today'.`` Event object existance is checked before getting attribute. * ``InvalidOperationError: Circular category parent.`` A circular parent is no longer possible to select. (This bug was introduced in the 1.16.0 release.) Version 1.17.0 -------------- **Released on 25 Mars 2018.** GUI: * If the xml contains a description field for a container, it will now be displayed in a balloon, when hooverd. * Selected events are not deselected when scrolling timeline with mouse. * Events can be selected with alt + mouse drag. * Events exported to listbox can now be filtered by visible categories Fixed crash reports and bugs: * ``PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "(itemid >= 0 && itemid < SHRT_MAX)`` Eliminated menu id creation by using constant values. * ``ValueError: Start time can't be after end time`` This happened when ends-today flag was set, and start-time was in future. * A change by another user is now detected when Timeline is closing. * ``PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "node" failed at ..\..\src\msw\menu.cpp(863) in wxMenu::DoRemove(): bug in wxMenu::Remove logic`` This happened when context menu has been used and another timeline is opened. * It's now possible to change the background colour again. Version 1.16.0 -------------- **Released on 13 November 2017.** GUI: * Using context menu no longer causes toolbar menu to stop working. * Balloon text font is now settable in prefernces dialog. * Sample text for font prefrences are now coloured also. Fixed crash reports and bugs: * ``AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetParent'`` This happens when System info dialog is opened by context popup menu. Version 1.15.0 -------------- **Released on 31 July 2017.** GUI: * Path to the configuration file is displayed in the System Info dialog. * Date format is now displayed in the System Info dialog, as configured. * Era rectangle is always visible, even when zooming out far. * Text in a balloon can now be displayed besides or under an icon. Fixed crash reports and bugs: * ``UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u03c0' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)`` This happened when the BC label contained non-ascii characters. * ``UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 18-21: ordinal not in range(128)`` This happened when a font face name contained non-ascii characters. * Events highlighted during search sometimes get stuck in highlighted state. * ``PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "!wxMouseCapture::stack.empty()" failed at ..\..\src\common\wincmn.cpp(3319) in wxWindowBase::ReleaseMouse(): Releasing mouse capture but capture stack empty?`` This happens in when dragging the mouse from the calendar control. Version 1.14.0 -------------- **Released on 8 May 2017.** Calendar: * BC years are formatted correctly in status bar. * Decades and centuries are correctly represented around year 0 and in BC years. (Centuries are now denoted 1900s and represent the years 1900-1999.) GUI: * The formatting of the time duration for Gragorian time is more intuitive. * All events can be selected with a menu command * View selection to hide/show events done (progress = 100%). * The limitation of number sizes has been removed in the numeric event editor. * Now the position of the legend can be changed. Fixed crash reports and bugs: * Now weekends can be colorized again. (`#170 `_) * It's no longer possible to close the milestone editor dialog with an invalid date/time. (`#171 `_) * The event progress bar is now correctly drawn when event is partly outside of screen. * ``OverflowError: long int too large to convert to float.`` (`#126 `_) * ``wx._core.PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "Assert failure" failed at ../src/gtk/menu.cpp(1300) in GetGtkHotKey(): unknown keyboard accel.`` This was caused by incorrect translations. * ``TypeError: %d format: a number is required, not TimeDelta.`` This happened when trying to measure the distance between two overlapping events in a numeric timeline. * ``IndexError: list index out of range.`` This happened under some circumstances when zooming out far and scrolling to the far left. * ``AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'seconds'.`` This happened when starting a slideshow with a numeric timeline. Version 1.13.0 -------------- **Released on 31 January 2017.** GUI: * The naming strategy of overlapping Era's has been changed * Major strip labels are drawn vertical when they don't fit in horizontal space. * Balloon width is no longer dependent on the event width, so the text don't disappear to early. Exporting: * How to handle encoding errors, when exporting events to file, can now be selected. * The events in a timeline can now be presented as a slideshow in a web browser. Fixed crash reports and bugs: * A Milestone can now have an empty text without crashing. (`#165 `_) * Now an Era in a numeric timeline can have "ends today" without crashing. (`#166 `_) * NotImplementedError: I don't believe this is in use. (`#168 `_) * Now you can tab out of an invalid date field without crashing. (`#169 `_) Version 1.12.0 -------------- **Released on 31 October 2016.** GUI: * Era's now have an ends-today property. (`#159 `_) Documentation: * Help pages updated. Data: * Option to switch off time for entire project. (`#157 `_) * Sample text is displayed for fonts in the preference dialog Export SVG: * Eras are now drawn in the SVG image. (`#144 `_) * Improved drawing of labels in SVG image. (`#145 `_) * Timeline background colour is used used in SVG image. Fixed crash reports and bugs: * Milestones are handled correctly when undoing changes. * Duplicate categories in ics file is now handled correctly (`#160 `_) * Invalid date and time entries, now generates error message. (`#163 `_) * Creating exception message should not fail now. (`#161 `_) * Duplicate dir names in directory Timeline is now handled. (`#162 `_) Version 1.11.0 -------------- **Released on 2 August 2016.** Data import: * VTODO elements are now imported, as events, from ics files. (`#142 `_) * Import options can now be specified when importing events, from ics files. (`#141 `_) Data export: * When exporting a timeline to images a merged image is also created. Translations: * Made label texts in 'Export to Listbox', translatable. (`#147 `_) GUI: * A checkmark can now be displayed in front of the event text when the event is done (100% progress). (`#134 `_) * The duplicate event dialog can be opened from the event editor dialog (`#131 `_) * After a search match the found event is highlighted * The background colour can now be user defined. (`#151 `_) Data: * Introduced the special event type, Milestone. Navigation: * Now it's possible to return to the previous time period after a navigation. (`#153 `_) Bug fixes: * Bosparanian date format crashes. * Timeline menu items are now disabled when no timeline is opened. (`#148 `_) * Float division by zero when mouse moved. (`#150 `_) Version 1.10.0 -------------- **Released on 30 April 2016.** Calendar: * Locale date formatter can now handle abbreviated month names in locale format pattern. (`#133 `_) * The locale date format is now replaced with a user defined format GUI: * Users can now design and use their own icons for fuzzy, locked, and hyperlink. (`#93 `_) * The vertical zoom (menu or Alt +/-) now zooms instead of scrolling. * Ctrl+Shift+MouseWheel now scrolls vertically instead of zooming. * Marking invalid dates with pink background now works correctly even in Windows. * The date controls should now follow the locale date formatting setting. * Weekdays can now have a colour different from the background. * Scrolling timeline after regaining focus now works properly even in Windows. (`#138 `_) * The vertical space between events is now a user settable preference. Translations: * The BC string in strips is now translatable Fixed crash reports: * The Timeline xml file is updated when an Era is deleted (`#139 `_) * Import events dialog gives UnicodeEncodeError if exceptions contain unicode messages. Import: * Categories are now created when importing ics data (`#141 `_) Export: * Data in Export to Listbox can now be copied to clip board (`#146 `_) Version 1.9.0 ------------- **Released on 31 January 2016.** Calendar: * Locale date formats correctly at start of timeline. (`#116 `_) GUI: * There is an optional tool bar that contains buttons for toggling some settings. * "To time" in event editor is correctly laid out when checking "Period". * Images can be dragged and dropped on an event to change icon. (`#103 `_) * A preference decides if the time checkbox is checked for new events. (`#119 `_) * Subevents in a container can be locked if the extended container strategy is used. (`#110 `_) * The description text in the event editor can be selected with Ctrl+A. (`#115 `_) * The ends-today checkbox in the event editor is enabled when the editor is opened from the menu. (`#114 `_) * The events in the exported list are sorted by start date. (`#106 `_) * Colors can be selected for major strip lines, minor strip lines and now line. (`#111 `_) * Overlapping eras are now displayed in a mixed color. (`#108 `_) * Colors can now be selected for events without an associated category. (`#81 `_) * The Ends-today property can be set on subevents if the extended container strategy is used. * A new dialog in the help menu displays System information. Translations: * The wx stock items are translated correctly in the Windows binary. (`#109 `_) * The strip text 'Century' is translatable. (`#107 `_) Bug fixes: * Edit event dialog does not crash when there is a db error. (`#127 `_) * Application does not crash at startup if system has locale zh_CN (Chinese). (Merged from 1.5.1.) * Application does not crash when duplicating container events. (`#125 `_) Version 1.8.1 ------------- **Released on 10 November 2015.** This is a bugfix release. It fixes a critical bug that disables editing numerical timelines. Fixed crash reports: * ``AttributeError: 'NumTimePicker' object has no attribute 'show_time'`` (`#117 `_) Version 1.8.0 ------------- **Released on 31 October 2015.** This is a periodic release. Calendar: * Timelines can be created using the "The Dark Eye" (Das Schwarze Auge, DSA) official calender. Drawing: * When you scroll vertically by dragging, the view moves proportionally. (`#88 `_) * Containers expand vertically when they contain overlapping events. This is an experimental feature that must be enabled. (`#39 `_) * You can zoom out to a period longer than 1200 years. There is no longer a limit. (`#90 `_) Exporting: * Exporting to CSV behaves properly when there is a newline in the description of an event. (`#92 `_) GUI: * All dialogs have a polished and more uniform look. * When creating a new timeline, a dialog pops up that let's you choose what type of timeline you want to create. (`#97 `_) * Event and eras can be created with a period longer than 1200 years. There is no longer a limit. (`#98 `_) * When duplicating an event with period month it behaves properly in edge cases. Fixed crash reports: * ``PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "wxAssertFailure" failed at ..\..\src\common\stockitem.cpp(166) in wxGetStockLabel(): invalid stock item ID`` (`#95 `_) * ``KeyError: >>`` (`#83 `_) * ``string index out of range`` (`#85 `_) * ``AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'julian_day'`` (`#96 `_) * ``ValueError: julian_day must be >= 0`` (`#79 `_) * ``LockedException: Unable to take lock on ...`` (`#105 `_) Version 1.7.1 ------------- **Released on 17 August 2015.** This is a bugfix release. It fixes a critical bug where data could be lost. Data: * Content of .timeline file is not erased when it is opened. This was a bug that has now been fixed. Drawing: * Minor strip font is only bold for weekend days. A bug made it a bit random before. Fixed crash reports: * ``AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Color'`` * ``AttributeError: 'EventEditorDialog' object has no attribute 'set_focus'`` (`#89 `_) Version 1.7.0 ------------- **Released on 30 July 2015.** This is a periodic release of Timeline. It contains many solutions to problems identified by users of Timeline. Data: * Events can have multiple hyperlinks. (`#30 `_) * An experimental feature allows entering dates before 4714 BC. This allows larger time periods to be created. (`#51 `_) Drawing: * An icon is drawn in the event box if it has hyperlinks. This makes it easier to see which events have hyperlinks. (`#29 `_) * Period events can be configured to never be drawn above the center line. This should make it more obvious which events are period events and which are point events. (`#42 `_, `#46 `_) * A setting exist that decides if event texts should be centered or not. (`#73 `_) * There is no horizontal padding between events. This allows more events to fit on the screen. (`#2 `_) * Some fonts used to draw the timeline can be customized. This should allow users to customize the look of their timelines to their taste. (`#63 `_) * A setting can draw point events with the left box edge at the vertical line. This makes it more clear where the event starts in time. (`#60 `_) GUI: * A notification is shown when a shortcut is saved. (`#23 `_) * The category editor can be opened with double click. This makes the intuitive way to open the editor possible. (`#47 `_) * The period checkbox in the event editor remembers its value from last time. This should speed up entering of period events. (`#28 `_) * Multiple events can be added to a category by selecting them and selecting a context menu item. This should make it more convenient to assign categories. (`#67 `_) * The tab-order of controls in the event editor dialog can be customized. This allows users to put their most frequently used controls first. (`#62 `_) * The divider line can be adjusted with mouse dragging. This should make it more convenient to use Timeline on a touch device. (`#58 `_) * Events can be moved vertically by selecting them and pressing Up/Down or selecting menu items. This makes it more obvious how to move events vertically. (`#45 `_) Exporting: * Exporting a whole timeline to several images now preserves the vertical position of events between images. So now images can be put together and the events will align correctly. (`#72 `_) Misc: * Undo works after compress. This allows users to undo compress action if the result was not desirable. (`#65 `_) * Does not fail to open Timeline files that have period wider than 1200 years. This should prevent users from having to manually edit the xml file. (`#8 `_) * Crash reports have information about locale settings. This makes it easier to troubleshoot errors depending on locale settings. (`#54 `_) Fixed crash reports: * ``AttributeError: 'EraEditorDialog' object has no attribute 'on_return'`` (`#57 `_) * ``KeyError: '33'`` (`#53 `_) * ``KeyError: 'Nov'`` (`#50 `_) * ``ValueError: Invalid date.`` (`#55 `_) * ``LockedException: Unable to take lock on...`` (`#69 `_) * ``OverflowError: long int too large to convert to float`` (`#75 `_) * ``Exception: No timeline set`` (`#56 `_) * ``TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'TimeDelta'`` (`#48 `_, `#78 `_) * ``WindowsError: [Error 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process`` (`#33 `_) * ``UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xc9' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)`` (`#49 `_) Windows specific: * The log file is created in a standard user temp directory. This ensures that even if Timeline is installed in a read-only location, the log file can be created. (`#74 `_) * Broken fragments of sidebar is not shown at startup. (`#52 `_) Version 1.6.0 ------------- **Released on 30 April 2015.** Solved problems: * Dividerline slider pos preserved between sessions * Introduced a Gradient Event box drawer * A new Event box drawer is added (gradient draw) * When selecting period in event editor - end date = start date + 1 day * Introduced background Era's * Bitmaps used to mark fuzzy and locked edges * Fixed crash when opening preferences dialog (wxPython * Fixed crash when opening hyperlink * Fixed crash when using experimental feature locale date * Fixed crash when entering non-ascii characters in feedback dialog subject or text * Crash report: AttributeError: 'MainFrame' object has no attribute 'open_timeline' (`#22 `_). * Crash report: PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "Assert failure" failed at ../src/common/sizer.cpp(1401) in DoInsert(): too many items (9 > 24) in grid sizer (maybe you should omit the number of either rows or columns?) (`#21 `_). This was only a problem with wxPython 3. * Crash report: KeyError: '33' (`#26 `_). This happened when using experimental feature 'locale date'. * Added export function timeline -> CSV * Crash report: ValueError: to_julian_day only works for positive julian days, but was -32104 (`#43 `_). Version 1.5.1 ------------- **Released on 4 December 2015.** Bug fixes: * Application does not crash at startup if system has locale zh_CN (Chinese) Version 1.5.0 ------------- **Released on 31 January 2015.** New features, enhancements: * Made progress bar thinner to improve visibility * Made progress- and done-colors selectable * Deeper zooming, to one minute, enabled * Introduced the concept of 'Experimental features' * Experimental feature - Mark event as done * Experimental feature - Extend container height * Experimental feature - Locale date formats Bug fixes: * Fixed: Crash report: Duplication subevent * Fixed: Crash report: Clicking Return in datetimepicker in Event alert editor * Fixed problem with duplication of containers * Fixed problem with menus requiring a timeline Version 1.4.1 ------------- **Released on 12 November 2014.** Bug fixes: * Fixed: Crash report: AttributeError: 'MemoryDB' object has no attribute 'events' Version 1.4.0 ------------- **Released on 9 November 2014.** New features, enhancements: * Added undo feature * Added a context menu to the timeline window * Added a notification window at the top of the screen when opening a read-only timeline or a timeline that is not saved on disk * Expanded range of numeric time picker * Added import dialog Bug fixes: * Fixed the following error when using wxPython >= 2.9: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Color' * Fixed the following error: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile * Fixed navigation problem, go to time, for numeric timeline * Synchronizing a timeline that has been modified by someone else actually reads the modified timeline instead of ignoring it. (This bug was introduced in version 1.1.0.) Version 1.3.0 ------------- **Released on 30 June 2014.** New features, enhancements: * Event description included in search target. * Search result can now be presented and selected in a listbox * CategoriesEditor is now resizeable Bug fixes: * Scrolling with PgUp/PgDn does not crash when it would end up on non-existing Feb 29 (`bug report `_) * Prevent PyAssertionError when opening category editor (wxPython * Fit millennium does not crash if timeline is far to the left * Some Edit menu items are disabled when there is no open Timeline Version 1.2.4 ------------- **Released on 7 April 2014.** Bug fixes: * Exception in event editors when "Add more events after this one" is checked Version 1.2.3 ------------- **Released on 5 April 2014.** Bug fixes: * Shortcuts dissapear when navigation menu is created Version 1.2.2 ------------- **Released on 5 April 2014.** Bug fixes: * Uninitialized flag comes into play when opening an ics file Version 1.2.1 ------------- **Released on 5 April 2014.** Bug fixes: * Encoding problems with navigation menus and shortcut configuration. Version 1.2.0 ------------- **Released on 5 April 2014.** New features, enhancements: * Shortcuts can be user defined. * Events now have a progress attribute. * Find feature for categories with Ctrl+F when mouse in category tree. * Event duration is displayd in the status bar * Alert dialog appears on top and beeps when shown Bug fixes: * Exception when opening event editor from menu for a numeric timeline. * Incorrect display of decades BC, fixed. * Contents indicator is drawn even when no balloon data exists. * End date is set to now in validate function when ends-today is checked Version 1.1.0 ------------- **Released on 28 December 2013.** New features, enhancements: * Century labeling changed. Century 0 is now removed * Menus for Zoom In and Zoom Out * Menus for vertical Zoom In and vertical Zoom Out * Numeric Timeline * New category tree in sidebar Bug fixes: * SVG export can handle ampersand (&) in event text * SVG export can handle more characters by using UTF-8 encoding * Prevent overflow error when zooming in on wide events * Prevent error when using up arrow to increase month in date editor * Prevent error when fitting all events and they almost fit * Move event vertically, can be done for events very close to each other (with different y-coordinates) * Ics-files could load events without text which caused an exception when trying to 'Save As' * Handle exception in dragging situation when julian day becomes < 0. Version 1.0.1 ------------- **Released on 4 October 2013.** Bug fixes: * Events Disappearing when zooming Version 1.0.0 ------------- **Released on 30 September 2013.** After about 4.5 years in development, Timeline 1.0.0 is released. This is the first time we increment the x-component of the version number (:ref:`label-version-number`). The main reason for doing so is that Timeline can no longer read files produced with Timeline versions before 0.10.0 (released over 3 years ago). The other big thing in 1.0.0 is that the experimental support for dates before year 0 is no longer experimental. We have rewritten large parts of the date handling partly to be able to support BC dates in a better way. New features, enhancements: * Implemented export to image for whole timeline * Implemented vertical zooming with Alt+Mousewheel * Implemented vertical scrolling of timeline events * Select all, Ctrl-A implemented in event editor description * New entries in categories tree context menu allowing parent/children check/uncheck * New checkbox under categories tree, used to view categories individually independent on parent checked-status * Dialog for sending feedback (available from help menu and event editor) * Balloon size restricted to not expand over timeline border * Help documentation updated * Show numerical day number together with day name when zooming to week Bug fixes: * Fixed exception when right-clicking in CatergoriesEditor * When 'ends today' start time can't be > now, anymore * Search bar gives no exception when searching twice or using search button Removed features: * Printing: Use export to image and print image instead * Old Timeline file format: Last used in version 0.9.0 Non-visible changes: * Adjustments made to be able to use wxPython version 2.9 * Replaced internal time type to support dates before year 0 Version 0.21.1 -------------- **Released on 7 July 2013.** Bug fixes: * Bug fix. Exception when exporting image Version 0.21.0 -------------- **Released on 30 June 2013.** New features, enhancements: * Added feature, Set category on selected events * Added feature, Set category on events without category * Added 'Import' feature that makes it possible to merge timelines. * Added 'Edit Event' menu Bug fixes: * Bug fix. Allow Preferences setting when no timeline exists * Bug fix. Reset selected events list when selected events are deleted Version 0.20.0 -------------- **Released on 30 March 2013.** New features, enhancements: * Added 'Save As' feature * Strategy for allowing multiple users to use the same Timeline file. * The timeline view regains focus when the event editor is closed. * Enter-key works in date and time fields of the event editor * Some help texts updated * New version of icalender to cope with years before 1900 * TimelineComponent can explicitly clear the drawing area Bug fixes: * Fixed problem with Event texts starting with '('- or '['-character * Delete event by context menu now works Version 0.19.0 -------------- **Released on 30 December 2012.** New features, enhancements: * Possibility to define URL on events and execute "Goto URL" to open web browser. * Implemented 'fit week' navigation function. * Help text added, to describe vertical movement of events. Bug fixes: * Build script generates zip file with only LF as line endings in files * Year 0 removed from timeline display when using extended date range Version 0.18.0 -------------- **Released on 30 September 2012.** New features, enhancements: * Zooming with scroll wheel zooms at cursor position instead of center. Bug fixes: * Adding multiple events without closing event dialog, works again. * Alert time comparision problem solved * Fixed problem with ends-today property * Fit millennium now works close to edges * Fit century now works close to edges Version 0.17.0 -------------- **Released on 15 June 2012.** This is a new feature release. New features, enhancements: * Possibilty to define alerts on events. * Non-period events can be added to container events Bug fixes: * No Error when fitting month, december, when using extended timetype. Version 0.16.0 -------------- **Released on 31 January 2012.** This is a new feature release. New features, enhancements: * Events can be grouped in containers Bug fixes: * Timeline files with non-English names can be opened * Creating new locked events does not raise exception Version 0.15.0 -------------- **Released on 30 October 2011.** This is a new feature release. New features, enhancements: * Custom font color for categories * Measure distance between events * Only break text in balloon if needed to keep balloon on screen Bug fixes: * SVG export can now handle text with non-english characters * Long category names are now visible in category editor * Timeline repaints after editing category color * No year of out range exception in event dialog Version 0.14.0 -------------- **Released on 30 July 2011.** This is a new feature release. New features, enhancements: * Move all selected events * Mark event period as fuzzy and edges will change to triangles * Mark event period as locked and edges will be curved and the event can not be moved or resized * Mark event as ending today and its period will be updated to end today * Experimental support for inertial scrolling (can be enabled in preferences) * Shows status text when zooming Bug fixes: * Not possible to select too large period when zooming with shift+drag * Prevent exception (in cases when year was out of range) when scrolling with page up/down * Show user friendly message when creating event with too long period * Display error message in status bar if period is too long when resizing event * No time exception when exporting to SVG * No exception when using extended date range and exporting to SVG Version 0.13.0 -------------- **Released on 30 April 2011.** This is a new feature release. New features, enhancements: * Events can be moved up and down with Alt+Up/Down * Hidden event count is shown in status bar * Event text changes color to white if background is dark * Timeline can be scrolled with Alt+Left/Right * Edit category button added in categories editor * Export to SVG Bug fixes: * No exception if "Fit all events" results in a period too large to display * No error if pressing left or right in empty categories tree control Version 0.12.1 -------------- **Released on 30 January 2011.** This is a translation update and bugfix release. Bug fixes: * Menu items are correctly disabled if no timeline is open * Clicking calendar button when an invalid date is entered gives error message instead of exception * LANG environment variable is only set on Windows to prevent locale error at startup on Linux systems * Fit all events ignores hidden events Version 0.12.0 -------------- **Released on 9 January 2011.** This is a new feature release. New features, enhancements: * Experimental support for extended date range (before 1 AD) Bug fixes: * Centuries before 10th are displayed correctly (9 instead of 90) * Correct translations are used on Windows New translations: * Lithuanian * Vietnamese Version 0.11.1 -------------- **Released on 24 October 2010.** This is a translation update and bugfix release. Bug fixes: * Create event through menu does not raise exception * Time removed when saving event and 'Show time' not checked Version 0.11.0 -------------- **Released on 12 October 2010.** This is a new feature release. New features, enhancements: * New improved date and time entry control * New navigation function: fit millennium Bug fixes: * Remove import of wx.lib.wordwrap that caused a crash on Ubuntu New translations: * Italian * Turkish Version 0.10.2 -------------- **Released on 11 June 2010.** This is a translation update and bugfix release. Bug fixes: * "Add more events after this one" does not give error message when ticked in the create event dialog * Do not write empty displayed_period tag to xml file * Prevent application from crashing with wxPython version Version 0.10.1 -------------- **Released on 25 May 2010.** This is a translation update release. New translations: * Polish * French Version 0.10.0 -------------- **Released on 9 May 2010.** This is a new feature release. New features, enhancements: * Switch to XML-based file format for storing timeline data * Support hierarchical categories * Function to duplicate events according to a pattern * More user friendly error when application crashes * Save window position * More shortcuts for navigation commands * Selected event gets highlighted line Bug fixes: * Application shows error message in category editor instead of crashing Version 0.9.0 ------------- **Released on 7 February 2010.** This is a new minor feature and bugfix release. New features, enhancements: * Timeline scrolls when creating period events, resizing events, and moving events * Option to start weeks on Sundays * Balloon shown shorter time after mouse out * New navigation functions: year, month, week forward/backward * Middle mouse click centers timeline on that spot * Shift+Scroll moves horizontal line up/down Bug fixes: * Fixed issues with 'Go to Date' dialog * Balloon now visible even if event stretches outside screen * All keys now work in the search bar * Prevent crash if long period events are used * Small corrections to documentation Version 0.8.0 ------------- **Released on 1 January 2010.** This is a new minor feature release. New features, enhancements: * Basic search function * Weekend day numbers are drawn in bold in month view * Experimental read-only support for ics files * Timeline that shows last modified dates of files in a directory * Allow balloons to stick * Write files in a safer way without permanent backups * New navigation functions: find first, find last, fit century, fit decade, fit all * New icons in help browser (Windows) * Man page (GNU/Linux) Bug fixes: * Fit month and fit day now work for December and last day of month * The same help page can now be opened again after the help browser is closed * Recently opened list can't contain the same file twice now New translations: * Hebrew (Yaron Shahrabani) * Catalan (BennyBeat) Version 0.7.0 ------------- **Released on 1 December 2009.** This is a new minor feature release. New features, enhancements: * Visual move and resize of events * Snap when creating, moving, and resizing events * Show balloons with event information on hover * Associate icons with events (shown in balloons) * Improved drawing of events: new selection and data indicator * Added context menu for events New translations: * Russian (Sergey Sedov) Version 0.6.0 ------------- **Released on 1 November 2009.** This is a new minor feature release. New features, enhancements: * Added shortcuts for editing categories from the event editor dialog * Mapped backspace key to previous page in help browser * Added option to open most recent timeline at startup (default yes) * Show exact time of an event in status bar * The y position of the divider between period events and single point events can now be adjusted Bug fixes: * Period events with description now has correct width * The legend is now always drawn on top of events Version 0.5.0 ------------- **Released on 1 October 2009.** This is a new feature release. New features, enhancements: * Added 'Open Recent' menu * Replaced manual with a wiki-like help system * Visualize description of selected events in balloons * Improved error messages when reading or writing timeline data fails * Added functionality for printing timeline * Added new navigation functions: Backward/Forward * Added welcome panel that shows if no timeline is open New translations: * Dutch (Koert Loret) Bug fixes: * Fixed problem on Windows where you could not enter dates before 1752-09-14 Version 0.4.0 ------------- **Released on 1 September 2009.** This is a new feature release. The first step in supporting additional data for events has been implemented. The file format had to be changed for this. Files written by version 0.4.0 will not be readable by previous versions, but 0.4.0 can read 0.3.0 files and will convert them automatically. New features, enhancements: * Translation support * Export to Image * Legend for categories * Longer descriptions for events (visualization will be implemented in 0.5.0) New translations: * Swedish (Roger Lindberg) * Spanish (Roman Gelbort) * German (Nils Steinger) * Brazilian Portuguese (Leonardo Frigo da Purificação) Version 0.3.0 ------------- **Released on 1 August 2009.** In this release the documentation has been improved and a few bugs have been fixed. The file format has also been updated to decrease the risk of loosing data. Users are therefore strongly encouraged to upgrade to this version. The file format is readable by the 0.2.0 version but it can not take advantage of the new format. New features, enhancements: * Changed to allow events without categories. * Improved what's displayed in the title bar (open file name first). * Added application icon. * Added Help menu. * Converted user manual to DocBook format. * Integrated user manual with application (first step). * Started experimenting with unit tests. * Added copyright notes to all source files. * Added AUTHORS, CHANGES, COPYING, and INSTALL. Bug fixes: * Fixed bug where application raised exceptions when scrolling to the very end or the very beginning of time (year 10 or year 9999). * If multiple timelines were opened, the displayed period would just be saved for the last opened one. That is fixed now so it is saved for all. Version 0.2.0 ------------- **Released on 5 July 2009.** This version contains lots of improvements. File format written by this version is not readable by previous versions. New features, enhancements: * Added support for showing and hiding events from certain categories. * Added a week view in one zoom level of the timeline. * Added navigation functions such as 'Go to Date' and 'Go to Today'. * Improved controls for entering a date and time. Version 0.1.0 ------------- **Released on 11 April 2009.** First usable version. .. _label-version-number: A note about version numbers ---------------------------- Timeline uses a three-component version numbering system (X.Y.Z). Z is only incremented when critical bugs are corrected or translations are updated. The functionality of the program is the same for all X.Y versions. Y is incremented every time a new feature or enhancement is added. X is incremented when the new version is no longer compatible with previous versions or when the program undergoes some big change or significant milestone.